Wednesday 4 August 2010

National Day Theme Songs for your ears!

Hi girls!

Miss Yati is here, posting my first ever post!
I look forward to reading all your comments so keep your participation coming ok? =)

Are all of you geared up for the upcoming long holidays? Well, I definitely am! =)
And with that, let's make our National Day a lovely one as we sing along to these great National Day songs! Which is your favourite? Post your answer as a comment to this blog entry!

National Day Theme Song 2001
Where I Belong

National Day Theme Song 2002
We Will Get There

National Day Theme Song 2003
One United People

National Day Theme Song 2004

National Day Theme Song 2005
Reach for the Skies

National Day Theme Song 2006
My Island Home

National Day Theme Song 2007
Will You

National Day Theme Song 2008
Shine For Singapore

National Day Theme Song 2009
What Do You See

National Day Theme Song 2010
Song For Singapore


  1. hi miss yati,your natonal day songs are wonderful!i am really looking foward to national day.

    From:Bernice Teo

  2. sowmiya
    I like all songs.see you tomorrow

  3. Dear Bernice & Sowmiya,
    I'm glad you girls enjoyed the songs. Miss Siti & I had fun singing along too! Look forward to singing some of the songs tomorrow. Remember to memorize the flags, 3faith can do it! =)

  4. Hi Bernice, Sowmiya and Miss Yati,

    Yes, we had fun singing along to the songs! Remember to wear either a red t-shirt or PE t-shirt and shorts with your pinafores tomorrow, ok?

    Don't wprry too much about winning or losing. Try your best, stay calm and cool and we shall all have fun tomorrow!

  5. Ms Yati I enjoy allthe songs.I like The What do you see that song.Ilook forward to more songs.


  6. ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!my computer jam again.hi miss siti and miss yati,i like the song what do u see.that was my favourite song.when the song was publish i kept singing.i also like home.

    bye jan

  7. Sotelo, Ianne Jeune Polette Ramirez6 August 2010 at 18:42

    Hi Miss Siti and Miss Yati,

    I LOVE the THEME SONG 2010 - Song For Singapore.I really really really really really really like it I even sing it at home when I'm scared or just alone or bored I memorized already. What songs do you like???

    Ianne Sotelo

  8. Hi Miss Yati, Miss Siti and all my classmates,

    I love ALL the songs! They are fantastic!
    Did all of you enjoy it? I hope both of you enjoyed yourselves yersterday. Even if we did not win we still tried our very best. I think the most important thing is that we all had good fun and we will remember this day for a very very long time. I hope everyone will enjoy their holiday too! I miss you..!

    THE SPIRIT OF 3 FAITH roars!!


  9. Wow! Hello Indiraa, Chloe, Jan, Ianne..
    Im so happy to see a number of you here, listening to our national theme songs, =)

    I like all the songs too. All of them have nice, memorable rhythm that make it fun to sing along. Hope the songs brought your mood out during the parade last night. =)

  10. Miss Yati,

    Did you watch the parade yesterday night?I did not because I was doing my work that my mother gave me.See you tomorrow in school!


  11. I like the songs very much and i want to sing the songs again!:)

  12. i like the song called what do see because it's very nice

  13. what is your email address and contact no. as my mum wants to speak to you - Hrishika
